1.If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
Depinde. M-a inselat. Cu cine? Cu PC-ul? Nimic nou sub soare. Cu alta? Du-te la ea!
2. If you have a dream you’d like to come true, what is it?
Sa aleg? Esti nebun? Visurile mele sunt egale sub ochii mei. Clar?
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Cred ca as avea o lista destul de lunga, dar cel mai mult imi doresc sa dau un sut unei femei mariiii, graseee, ca in filme :))
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
The world better prepare for when i`m a billionaire b-)
5. Will your best friend always be your best friend?
Hahaha. Ce`i ala?
6. Have you ever been in love with 2 people at once?
Nu cred. Daca nu consideri ca eu sunt a doua persoana [simti miros de narcisism?]
7. How long would you wait for someone you really loved?
Exact cum spune Rox...why wait?
8. If you won the lottery, would you quit the job?
Daca ar fi slujba pe care mi-o doresc, bineinteles ca nu.
9. Who is on your celebrity top 5 … you know, the ones … that if you ever had an opportunity …
Parca am mai raspuns la intrebarea asta :-? Sa zicem: Obama, Beyonce, Mel Gibson, Demi Moore, Whitney Houston, Octavian Paler [daca ar mai fi trait :( ] etc etc.
10. What sucks the life out of you?
Prezentul. Clasa a 12-a. Admiterea. Oamenii prosti. Lipsa posibilitatilor infinite.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Clar pe tocuri. Pe treptele tribunalului. Cineva ma striga din spate: "Doamna judecator, avem o zi plina azi!"
12. What is your greatest fear?
Mi-e frica sa nu ma blochez. Sa nu ma pierd. Pe mine ca suflet. Ca mod de a gandi.
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
O persoana foarte ambitioasa, pe care o admir pentru cate face si careia ii doresc mult succes for she-knows-what.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Married and super-happy. :)
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Mai dorm 10 minute in baie :))
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
We know we can say...we gave it all for love!
17. Is your career vitally important to you?
Clar! Nu este doar o cariera...este...EU! Nu este vitala, dar este importanta. Foarte :)
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
Nu. Nici nu cred ca as ierta tot, dar in niciun caz nu as uita!
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
Having a relationship. E mult mai confortabil. Imi place ideea de siguranta. :)
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